Dungeon RPG

Voxelmade / WIP  / Dungeon RPG

Dungeon RPG

The dungeon RPG project is still a work in progress that allows me to test things, mixing voxels and traditional 3D in a RPG like dungeon. I’ll dig further into this world with each new release of content, creating huge monsters to fight, and multiplication assets.

voxel dungeon rpg gamedev

voxel dungeon

The dungeon will have its own NPC’s and monsters, everything is created with Magicavoxel and rendered within Cinema4D.

A NPC talking to the player

The fights are designed to be some epic moment, with huge bosses as in God of War games, probably with QTE sequences.

dungeon voxel rpg

Be sure to check my Twitter account for more informations. I also have a Cartridge project for that.
Every feedback appreciated!

  • Woo
    27 février 2018 at 22 h 01 min


  • Mete ERDEN
    29 janvier 2021 at 14 h 26 min

    Great assets.

    How did you lower the polygons of these assets?

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